My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio in Abadiânia, Brazil

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Spiritual Healing in Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola, Abadiânia, Brazil



Welcome to Travel, Lifestyle, Art & Photography of Dr Zenaidy Castro Blog. The globetrotting Cosmetic Dentist based in Melbourne Australia. See the world from my photographic perspective. I identify myself as a passionate explorer and adventurer at heart, with strong interest in remote places, unique cultures and different lifestyle.

I hope you enjoy exploring my travel blog and inspired by what you see. Through my photos, I hope to encourage others to get out and explore. To not be scared and to be open to new experiences and civilisations. Because, at the end of the day, travel is about finding experiences that change our minds and widen our perspectives in order to create a more inclusive world. Please feel free to browse thru my blog.

Most of the photographs posted on this blog were taken with my mobile phone. I invite you to browse through my SHOP page to see the real fine art photography that I have created while travelling.



Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio de Loyola, Abadiânia, Brazil

The Casa de Dom Inacio (the House of St Ignatius Loyola) is a spiritual healing centre in Abadiania, central Brazil, 1.5 hours from the country’s capital Brasilia.

For over 41 years this sanctuary has been a sacred place for healing, restoring ones health and moving us forward on our journey through life as an unencumbered soul.

From around the world, dressed in all white, they once arrived in their thousands in the small Brazilian town, hoping to find a cure for cancer, blindness or to stand and rise from their wheelchairs.

Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
I visited this place last Dec 2013 and stayed here for a month to see how this famous healing destination works. Having studied and attuned to different metaphysical and energetic healing such as Reiki, Pranic, Theta and Pellawah healing, it was natural for me to be attracted going into places such as this.
See the inside and nearby surrounding areas of Casa Dom Inacio de Loyola, a once famous spiritual healing destination.
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio

Visitors who want to see John of God must travel to Abadiânia and participate in the healing process at the Casa de Dom Inacio de Loyola.  At the beginning of a person’s visit, they will stand in line and wait for their turn with John of God.  This may be the only time that they see him during their first week, unless they are told to go back through the line on another day.  The rest of the week, they will be doing exactly what John of God told them to do.  Sometimes that includes taking a specific number of crystal baths or participating in a spiritual intervention.  Most often though, people will be encouraged to spend time in the current room where healing takes place at all hours of the day.

Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing and Streetscapes in Casa Dom Inacio de Loyola Abadiânia Brazil. Spirithist healing centre with John of God at Casa Dom Inacio de Loyola at the Casa Healing Center in Brazil.
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Streetscapes in Casa Dom Inacio de Loyola Abadiânia Brazil

Everyone who is going through spiritual healing will be given a bowl of Casa Soup each morning and while this soup is necessary for healing, it is also delicious and nutritious.  The Sacred Waterfall is another feature available at the Casa and not everyone will be able to go there as it is by invitation only.  Anyone who is given permission will be able to partake in exclusive spiritual cleansings at the waterfall.

Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio

Inside the Casa

Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio

The healing process is never instantaneous and the only people that truly succeed are the ones who follow the directions John of God gives them and pay attention to what they need as individuals.  Some people may feel ready to leave Casa after a week or two while, but others may need to stay quite a bit longer before they feel confident enough that they can continue their spiritual healing journey on their own.

There are so many testimonials from people who have traveled hundreds or thousands of miles to experience the spiritual healing of John of God and each and every one is filled with positive and glowing words of recommendation.  One person states that they had multiple health issues in addition to being uncertain of where their life was going, yet once they returned home from their journey to see John of God, they felt like they had more love, hope, and clarity than they ever had and they felt that they were a better version of the person that they always had been.  Others say that their journey healed them heart, body, and soul.

Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio
Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio

While everyone’s version of their healing process and how they felt afterwards differs slightly, they all have one thing in common.  Every person who has visited Casa has said that the one thing that they love the most is that they are all treated as individuals and that they all control their spiritual healing process.

Spiritual healing is a process that takes time, work, and dedication and for people who believe in miraculous healing, there is no better place than at the Casa with John of God.  His skills have helped many people over the years and around the world.

Spiritual Healing in Casa Dom Inacio Abadiânia, Brazil. My experience at the Casa de Dom Inácio




General and Cosmetic Dentistry Clinic in Melbourne Australia




See the world from my photographic perspective

Globetrotting Dentist and Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro. Australian Photographer and Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro in Mlebourne Australia, Dr Zenaidy Castro is a famous Cosmetic Dentist and Australian award winning fine art Australian landscape photographer

Welcome! I’m Dr Zenaidy Castro , a Cosmetic Dentist based in Melbourne  Australia. My unquenchable thirst for travel and passion for photography  leads me to explore the world, from here and hopefully one day, at the end of the remote continent -wherever that is.

If you are looking for travel insights and inspirations, you have come to the right place. My blog post have abundance of visual journals and photos to help you soak with the landscape, culture, people and the place without leaving your home. You will find tips and informations along the way.


It’s all here for free viewing.


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