Bear hugs & the Bear facts Snapshots

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Bear hugs, the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,

Bear hugs & the Bear facts Snapshots, Bear Photographs, Grizzly Bear Photos Alaska. A bear hug, like the name suggests, is intense, passionate and pretty tight. It involves wrapping one’s arms tightly around the other person, often lifting them off the ground. This type of bear hug gives off the feeling of deep affection, love and protection for the other person. Bear hugs are the best hugs. Enjoy these bear-y cute shots taken at Silver Salmon Creek Lodge.



Welcome to Travel, Lifestyle, Art & Photography of Dr Zenaidy Castro Blog. The globetrotting Cosmetic Dentist based in Melbourne Australia. See the world from my photographic perspective. I identify myself as a passionate explorer and adventurer at heart, with strong interest in remote places, unique cultures and different lifestyle.

I hope you enjoy exploring my travel blog and inspired by what you see. Through my photos, I hope to encourage others to get out and explore. To not be scared and to be open to new experiences and civilisations. Because, at the end of the day, travel is about finding experiences that change our minds and widen our perspectives in order to create a more inclusive world. Please feel free to browse thru my blog.

Most of the photographs posted on this blog were taken with my mobile phone. I invite you to browse through my SHOP page to see the real fine art photography that I have created while travelling.



Enjoy these bear-y cute shots taken at Silver Salmon Creek Lodge, Alaska

Bears are extraordinarily intelligent animals. They have far superior navigation skills to humans; excellent memories; large brain to body ratio; and use tools in various contexts from play to hunting.


Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,
Bear hugs, the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,

Bears grieve deeply for others. Cubs are known to moan and cry when separated from theirmothers.This can go on for weeks if their mothers are killed by hunters.


Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,


Bears care deeply about family members. They will risk their lives and even fight to the death in order to save a cub or sibling from danger.


Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,
Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,


Grizzly cubs run to their mothers for protection, while black bear cubs run for trees. Attacks by defensive mothers account for 70 percent of human deaths from grizzly bears, but mother black bears are not known to have killed anyone in defense of cubs. The idea that black bear mothers are likely to attack is one of the biggest misconceptions about black bears.


Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,


Mother bear sighted another Bear at the distance, look back at her cubs to warn them to keep and stay closer at her. Her cub then anxiously look at the other bear.


Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,



Grizzly bears are normally solitary animals. However, they are not very territorial and they may be seen feeding together where food is abundant, such as at salmon streams and whitebark pine sites. Females will rear their cubs for 2-3 years. When a female grizzly bear leaves her mother, they often set up their home range quite close to their mother’s home range. Males will typically range further, but may also remain close by.


Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,
Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,


Mother bears rear cubs for two to three years. Males do not help raise the cubs. In fact, males can be a danger to the cubs, so females often avoid male grizzly bears while rearing their cubs.


Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,


The cubs are tirelessly playing with each other, and sometimes watch and learn too what their Mom is doing
Are grizzlies dangerous? They would rather issue threats and posture than engage in actual conflict. Human attacks are rare. When endangered they can attack with much ferocity, for example when a mother defends her cubs.


Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,


Black bears have a lumbering walk, but they can run much faster than people. They have been known to run faster than 40-55 kilometers per hour (over 25 miles per hour) for short distances. (Grizzlies run faster than black bears, but black bears can climb trees to escape grizzlies.)

Both, Grizzly bears and black bears don’t like surprises. When out in the woods try to be loud, sing a camp song, attach a small tinkling bell on your belt, make LOTS of noise. It’s wise not to explore dark, unknown caves or hollow logs, as these are prime spots to come across grizzly bears.

If you have been spotted by a bear, stop and don’t move. Speak to the bear in a low calm voice and slowly raise your arms in the air, making you appear bigger. Tuck away the camera and leave this to a professional. If you see a bear with a cub, leave quickly. Mother bear’s number one priority will be protecting her cubs, leaving little room for negotiation if she feels threatened. Back off nice and slowly, retrace your footsteps, avoid crossing the path of the bear. Do not run, you won’t be able to outrun him! Don’t look the bear in the eye!


Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,
Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,


Photos on this post were taken at Lake Clark National park, Alaska. It was a great opportunity to capture stunning images of these grizzly bears in their natural habitat while enjoying the picturesque settings of the Alaskan wilderness. Throughout the course of my grizzly bear tour, we have the opportunity to capture behaviors like:,Grizzly bear sows nursing their young, Grizzly bear cubs frolicking and playing in grassy meadows, Bears charging through the water and plucking fish out of Silver Salmon Creek, Hungry grizzly bears digging for razor clams in tidal flats along the fertile coastlines of the Cook Inlet, Cute bear cubs playing with their siblings, Grizzly bears fighting and playful attacks, Cubs napping curled up with mom and so many more. There are instances where we got so very close to the bear like 1 or 2 meters away. It was a great trip being so close and photograph the grizzlies.


Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,
Bear hugs & the Bear facts, Black Bear, Grizzly Bear Cubs Photo Prints, Dr Zenaidy Castro Photography, globetrotting Dentist and award winning Cultural portrait Photographer,




General and Cosmetic Dentistry Clinic in Melbourne Australia


Whether you’re seeking modern elegance Abstract art or timeless charm of black and white photography, Dr Zenaidy Castro’s diverse range of art and photographic prints and artpieces ensures you find the perfect match for your unique vision. Explore our abstract art and photographic collection and see how our hospitality art can transform your establishment into a visual masterpiece.


Shop Black and White Aerial Landscape and Nature PhotosArt Prints for sale online gallery by Heart and Soul Whisperer Art gallery



See the world from my photographic perspective

Globetrotting Dentist and Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro. Australian Photographer and Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro in Mlebourne Australia, Dr Zenaidy Castro is a famous Cosmetic Dentist and Australian award winning fine art Australian landscape photographer

Welcome! I’m Dr Zenaidy Castro , a Cosmetic Dentist based in Melbourne  Australia. My unquenchable thirst for travel and passion for photography  leads me to explore the world, from here and hopefully one day, at the end of the remote continent -wherever that is.

If you are looking for travel insights and inspirations, you have come to the right place. My blog post have abundance of visual journals and photos to help you soak with the landscape, culture, people and the place without leaving your home. You will find tips and informations along the way.


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